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The Gold Standard.
No other training compares.

Evidence Based

Hands On


the botox course


Picture of a botox course patient model receiving a neuromodulator injection.

the botox course


Patient model recving a hyaluronic acid filler treatment in her jawline.


Dr. Andrew Dargie teaching learners about aesthetics treatment with two learners.
Learners watching and performing treatment on patient model

Step 2

Hands-On Clinical Training

Register for hands-on clinical training in any of our 16 major cities across Canada. Learn the safest injecting techniques that produce incredible results. Our world-class, hands on training will put you ahead of the competition for years to come.​

Complete your comprehensive online didactic lectures, which includes lectures on fundamental theory, dosing, and injection techniques, followed by hands-on training. Completion of the online didactic course is a prerequisite for hands-on clinical training.

Step 1

Online Didactic Training

Facial anatomy of muscles, veins and arteries.

The most advanced

training in Medical Aesthetics